Il Barbiere della Birra

Qualcuno mi rammenta com'era quella storia delle lattine di Brewdog?

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    CITAZIONE (BeerSheriff @ 17/12/2012, 16:29) 
    ho trovato il faldone Brewdog. sotto una email intercettata dal mio controspionaggio proveniente da un inlattinatore UK che lavora(va) per un certo cliente...

    I persuaded the customer to let me produce some packs pasteurised as a reference test. Although the unpasteurised beer tasted slightly better, after 6 weeks many cans were infected. We have now produced their next batch with 12-15 PU's and they have accepted the slight difference in taste. A product recall from a supermarket customer in this country can be very expensive.

    Per quelli come me che non lo sanno:
    The Pasteurisation Unit (PU) is defined as relating to the sterilising effect observed when the product is held for one minute at a temperature termed the Base value. At this temperature therefore, 1 PU per minute is achieved.

    Experiments on various mixtures of the common brewery biological contaminants showed that at temperatures over about 50°C there is an approximately ten-fold increase in sterilising effect for every 7°C increase in temperature. For example, if the time required to kill a population of micro-organisms at 60°C is found to be 5 minutes then if the temperature were to be increased to 67°C the time required would be only 0.5 minutes. The increase in temperature required to produce a ten-fold increase in kill rate is termed the Z value. The Z value in this case is therefore 7°C.

    PU = t x 10^((T-60)/7) Note this assumes a Base value of 60°C and a Z value of 7°C.
103 replies since 17/12/2012, 15:52   2339 views